Energy work and massage therapy work together to provide a path towards healing. Descriptions of the specific energy work I specialize in are listed below.
core synchronism
Core Synchronism was discovered by Robert Stevens, ND, NTS, the Director of the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics, in the 90's, after approximately twenty years of practicing massage, Polarity therapy, Cranial Osteopathy, Reflexology and Natural Therapeutics. Below, in his words, is a brief description of Core Synchronism. Core Synchronism is a system of hand medicine designed to assist nature in establishing harmony with all parts of the organism.
In the Core Synchronism model, the human organism is comprised of the spiritual, mental/emotional, etheric and physical bodies and is animated by the Core current.
The Core current can be palpated on the crown of the head, and, with practice, everywhere in the organism. The current is responsible for the movement of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) out of the brain.
Pain is the result of a body part (mental/emotional, etheric, physical) being out of synch with the Core current and CSF. Disharmonious motion causes friction that produces inflammation, which then results in pain or discomfort.
By re-establishing synchronistic balance with the Core current, CSF and the asynchronous body part - through palpation and focused intent - harmony is restored to the organism thus breaking the pain-discomfort cycle.
Core Synchronism is not pathology specific. It is a mechanical system designed to restore harmony to the organism. Establishing balance results in activating an individual's self-healing ability. It is deeply relaxing, safe and gentle, hence, there are no contraindications for treatment.
Core Synchronism practitioners are not healers. The person receiving treatment is responsible for his or her own healing, which is accomplished by the individual's life energy, the Core current.
Practitioners of Core Synchronism are mechanics. Their responsibility is to establish balanced body motions and synchronistic relationships, which will result in deep states of relaxation, where healing ultimately takes place.
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Things to know about receiving a Core Synchronism Treatment
During a Core treatment, the client lies comfortably on the table and remains clothed.
Since Core Synchronism treatments are deeply relaxing you may fall asleep, which, in no way reduces the potential effectiveness of the treatment.
There is no belief system required to benefit from the potential effectiveness of the treatment.
A person receiving treatment will feel the gentle touch of a practitioner's hands on various parts of the body, including the head, feet and areas related to the locations of pain and discomfort.
There are no contraindications for treatments, including acute or chronic illnesses.
As a result of improved mechanical balance and relaxation, acute healing may be expressed as agitation or other symptoms of discomfort. This is a positive direction that may ultimately result in improvement on all levels.
Treatment sessions are typically between 55 and 90 minutes. The individual's response and the Core therapist will determine how often a person receives treatments. It is not possible to predict how many treatments an individual will require to notice significant improvement. Core Synchronism is a system that views inflammation and pain as mechanical disharmonious phenomena. In some cases, the pain cycle may break in a single session. In others, solving the mechanical mystery of pain and discomfort may take much longer.
Treatments can be received fully clothed.
polarity therapy
Polarity Therapy was founded by Dr Randolph Stone DO, DC, DN after many years of study of both Western snd Eastern medicine and philosophy. Everything in our universe has positive and negative poles (yin and yang, male and female, night and day, inside and outside etc.). Polarity treatments help to balance positive and negative, allowing energy to flow through neutral, and increasing one's health and well-being. There are five aspects of Polarity Therapy for achieving health and harmony; love, thought/attitude, manipulations, exercise and diet/nutrition.
Polarity uses a five element system Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth to locate blocked energy and assist in its release. Ether governs over the other four elements which are grouped in triads corresponding to parts of the body. Air - Shoulders, Ankles and Kidneys/super-renals. Fire - Head, Solar Plexus and Thighs. Water - Breast/Heart, Generative organs and Feet. Earth - Neck, Large Intestine and Knees. An imbalance in one part of a triad can provide clues to less obvious energetic imbalances.
The treatments are energetic but involve physical touch that, as they free up energy blockages, can release bound up muscles, trigger points and tension providing relief from pain. Treatments may include Sattvic, Rajasic or Tamasic touch. Sattvic touch is light, soft, gentle and relaxing and helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. Rajasic touch is associated with a positive charge and is fast, stimulating and energizing. Tamasic touch is associated with a negative charge and is deep, slow and helps release chronic energy blockages.
Things to know about receiving a Polarity Therapy Treatment
During a Polarity treatment, the client lies comfortably on the table and remains clothed.
There is no belief system required to benefit from the potential effectiveness of the treatment.
Polarity treatments are not always bilateral (the same manipulations performed on both sides)
Polarity treatments can be deeply relaxing. It may be helpful to rest or go for a walk after a treatement, before driving home.
Polarity treatments sometimes, but not always, bring out acute healing opportunities in the client. These may be expressed as a fever, emotions, a cold or rash or other symptoms. This is part of the natural healing process.
Treatments can be received fully clothed.
This therapy is performed predominantly on the feet and involves medium to deep pressure. There are reflections of all the major organs, the spine, the head in the soles and tops of the feet. Reflexology can be effective in relieving pain, especially when the specific (reflected) area is too painful for direct touch. It can also stimulate and relieve tender organs that are deep in the body (such as the kidneys or spleen) accessing them indirectly through specific points on the feet.
The same cautions as when receiving a Polarity treatment apply to Reflexology treatments.
Treatments can be received fully clothed.
This therapy helps prevent injuries, help maintain optimal muscular health, and recovery from workouts and physical injuries. It can be used after an event to help reduce muscle soreness and swelling, break down toxins, and increase blood circulation. It is not only recommended for athletes but anyone living in this stressful, physical world.
Treatments can be received fully clothed.